Observing the moon

Moon phases

Zooming on the moon

Closer and closer

Moving lunar shadows

Moon atlas

Moon lights


Lunar conjunctions


Earthshine is a commonly recognised phenomenon, most obvious when moon is a thin crescent. It is caused by reflected light from Earth on the Earth-facing part of the moon experiencing night. Leonardo da Vinci was the first to correctly explain this phenomenon. Earthshine is sufficient to make clearly visible the main lunar features.


Moon setting over Saint-Cloud park, on  01/21/2006. Captured with  a CANON EOS300D digital camera equipped with a 400 mm lens.

Earthshine 01/31/06



Earthshine captured in the evening on 08/21/2000 with an EPSON PC3000Z digital camera. Integration time is 8 seconds.

Earthshine 08/21/01



Morning earthshine.
Captured on 05/10/2002 with a CASIO QV4000 digital camera. Eyepiece projection with MEADE LX10 8" telescope through a Super Plössl 40mm eyepiece. Integration time is 2 seconds long.

Lumičre cendrée du matin 05/10/02



Evening earthshine.
Captured on 04/05/2003 with a CASIO QV4000 digital camera. Eyepiece projection with MEADE LX10 8" telescope through a Super Plössl 40mm eyepiece. Integration time is 2 seconds long.

Earthshine in the evening 04/05/2003


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